Business essence
Creativity leads to technology.
We are an organization that realizes originality which comes from an abundance of knowhow.
After doing extensive research to address our customers’ needs and desires, we add value to your business in any number of ways. Our company and its techniques cannot be matched for dealing with any sort of machinery and completing orders to customer satisfaction, not only inside Japan but abroad. The techniques we have mastered are required at many global companies. We work with unparalleled diligence to fulfill orders. Our company runs the gamut, accepting orders to work on anything including dilapidated equipment and foreign-made parts and machines from both large corporations and mom-and-pop shops. Our team of extraordinary engineers has been dealing with all sorts of repairs for many years. Moreover, the work we do on precision equipment cannot be accomplished without the application of manual procedures that we have developed over the years. There is no manual to address the varied requests of our customers and anticipate their needs. We apply our homegrown knowledge and engineering expertise to each individual problem. Once a framework for the solution is established we apply flexible thinking to make the necessary repairs and adjustments. After more than 30 years of success handling requests from the Air Travelers Association to design and produce special equipment, we now work on Japan’s space program, including the processing of rocket parts. Looking to the future, we embrace great expectations to be a leader in advancing and improving new technologies in aviation and space programs.
The accumulation of our knowledge, which has been gained and developed over the course of many years, has lead to our success. However, more than that, our ideas are of paramount importance. To start, a designer’s flash of inspiration becomes the form for the project at hand.
From the outset, we prepare your machine for a transformation that will add great value to it and your business.
In dealing with a pliable situation, we at Sugiyama Mecharetro show our power to manifest something special.
At our company, we have accumulated diverse knowhow for a variety of businesses. We answer every customer need by combining expert techniques with a process that flows from a technician’s head to his fingertips. It all starts with ideas. Design is the nucleus, as one by one customer requests are addressed and new forms created by our departmental experts.
Our great boast stems from the extraordinary trust in our creative powers that our customers have placed in us over the years.We stand alone realizing the world’s machine needs
Answering needs takes high-level engineering skill
Original Knowhow
Developing new technology
Business essence
The vital operations of our company’s projects ends with repaired machinery that works like new.To start a project, a customer’s equipment is brought to our factory where each part, piece by piece, is disassembled and cleaned. The condition of those parts is checked, modifications, additions and repairs are considered, and finally determinations for the best course of action are made based expert analysis. After improvements and innovations to the equipment are made, every part is again assembled until a restoration with precision accuracy and full functionality is achieved. The machine is returned to the customer’s factory as good as new.
In that way, the foundation for a seamless repair is made by following our indispensable “Kisage” operations. At our company, these steps are well established.
Running our Business Showcase about Kisage
Even when a maker rules out repairs to a piece of machinery, with our company repair remains a possibility. Of course, since we didn’t originally make the machine, we don’t have the blueprints or option key. However, in accordance with customer needs and plans, we can create our own blueprint to refer to.To deal with specialized equipment at Sugiyama Mecharetro, we apply experience, knowledge and engineering to process repairs and rejuvenate old machines. We have multiple platforms to cater to the particular needs of our customers and the unique designs and manufacturing of their products.
For many years we have dealt with various types of equipment from a range of makers and utilized appropriate machine tools for repairs and refurbishing. We have tremendous knowledge and experience dealing with varied machine configurations with numerous specialized features. But our advantage and greatest asset lies in the expertise stored in the heads of our experienced designers.
From receipt of the customer’s goods, the process of getting it back with precision improvements in the shortest possible return time begins. While our designers make ample use of our great assets, the ideas inside their heads, they create a framework from which flexible ideas are born and flourish. From this pool of ideas we make proposals for the work to be done. When the proper course of action is determined the new product, the specialized equipment, is created via a fusion of repair techniques and engineering creativity.
Types of restructuring
Retrofitting (NC processing)
We work with all-purpose (mechanical and hydraulic escapements) machines, “NC” injection molding machines driven by a servo motor, adjusting the speed or restructuring the positioning control.
Replacements (NC equipment placing adjustments)
Renewal of original NC equipment controlling devices (mechanical center and NC lathe or NC grinding machines) to restore to a new type of machine.
Manufacturing model upgrades
For equipment utilized like specialized equipment, we do manufacturing work, restructuring of model companions such as jigs, tools, and transport equipment and, via consultations, new models are upgraded.
To automatize, the automatic insertion into stand-alone devices → chucking machine → treatment → processing takes place after subsequent operations are delivered via various conditions.
Among the possibilities are creating automatized lines from stand-alone machines without loading by assembling a number of stands.
The addition of functional appendages
The finished product will not only have the product’s original capability, but new functions will be added as well.
For example, when all-purpose equipment undergoes NC processing, the ATC (automatic tool changer) produces a newly created design which can create a 1 stand machine from 2 processing operations.